This course focuses on the nature of individual differences with emphasis on how individual
characteristics affect learning and how research and theory translate into special education practice.
Psychological, socio-文化, and physical characteristics of exceptional individuals are 讨论了.
Analysis of research regarding contemporary trends/issues and programs for exceptional individuals is
本课程将着重于评估, 课程计划, 并对个人进行严厉的指导
知识, 整形, 感觉, 行为和功能障碍通常发生在少于
人口的1% (i.e.(低发病率). 这些人通常需要更多和
与公立学校同龄学生相比有显著差异. 虽然这门课
专注于所有环境下的教学技巧, 它将主要关注公立学校的教学
设置和包容性的教室. 最常见的定义和资格类别的简要审查
associated with the term low incidence will be provided along with a discussion on how low incidence
残疾影响家庭和家庭制度. 学生将描述和实践专业评估
低发病率人群使用的技术和仪器. 然后,学生将识别,选择和
demonstrate appropriate teaching strategies and behavioral support for various situations and
残疾发生率低的个体. 学生将学习医疗保健问题的特殊程序,
运动障碍,沟通和社交技能. 在家庭中发展技能的考虑, 社区, 工作场所将被描述并应用于案例研究. 学生将描述
This course focuses on evidence-based instructional theories and practices for students with high
残疾的发生率. 本课程的目标是为有需要的学生设计课程和教学
个性化指导,成功学习. 有效的阅读、写作和数学策略是
本课程提供了一个种族的概述, 语言, 文化, 社会经济多样性及其
对特殊儿童的评价、计划和指导的意义. 强调的是
on first and second language acquisition, nondiscriminatory assessment procedures, and 文化ly
This course focuses on the history and development of special education laws and the requirements of
这些法律. 重点放在提供免费适当公共服务的法律要求上
残疾学生教育. 该课程提供法律和道德原则的案例分析
in special education practice and offers learning opportunities in presenting professional development
This course provides an overview of the history and principles of applied behavior analysis including
合乎道德及负责任的使用. 在教育背景下的应用被强调
本课程着重于对特殊儿童进行正式和非正式的评估. 课程式
评估、基于课程的测量和标准化测试将被涵盖. 重点是
placed on interpreting assessment results and making decisions that benefit students instructionally and
This course will include theory, techniques and research concerns in home-school-agency-system based
consultation services or indirect service delivery models for individuals or clients who are from a society
哪一个在语言、社会经济和社会文化上是多元的. 我们会强调
knowledge and concepts related to consultation with special and general education teachers, parents
and families, 社区 agencies and systems who deliver services to individuals and clients.
This course will provide an overview analysis and interpretation of quantitative and qualitative research
现有的教学技术文献中使用的方法. 单课题设计研究
强调特殊教育的方法及其在特殊教育中的应用. 各种单一主题
研究设计将被审查, 并确定每个设计的优点和缺点.
Issues related to analysis of data, social validity and ethical use research methodologies will be
This course focuses on issues of social learning and behavior in special education with specific attention
given to classroom dynamics and ways of addressing the needs of students with moderate/severe
包括ASD在内的残疾. 探讨了学习和动机的各种模式. 这门课程
students in active study of classrooms and enable them to work collaboratively with parents and other
professionals in developing and implementation strategies that support pro-social behavior among